Africa Sunrise Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization 
which helps the needy but intelligent and hardworking children and youth in the communities we support.

Africa Sunrise Foundation operates to alleviate poverty through:

1. Empowering youth through education by:
  • Allowing access to education for all
  • Prodividing school environments that are physically safe, with access to sanitary facilities and water
  • Improving hygiene, including teaching the health benefits of handwashing
  • Fitting out school canteens so all children can have one substantial meal a day
  • Making books, educational equipment and computers available to all kids and their community
  • Providing educational sponsorship to vulnerable children who are at risk of being sold into hard labour or the sex industry.

2. Engaging the local community through:
  • Supporting school facilities that are open to all members of the community
  • Providing employment to local traders through building works associated with our projects
  • (Future) training for young women - such as sewing, hair dressing and local commerce
  • Creating strong relationships with our project partners and volunteers

Our objectives are to develop the 'CAN DO' spirit for children and youth to be able to achieve their full potential through:

  • Creating a concrete platform for less privileged children and youth to gain an education, no matter how poor their family background is
  • Eradicating school dropout rates
  • Giving street kids a chance through providing them with an education
  • Establishing child and youth friendly activities in the areas of
    sports and games
  • Encouraging personal hygiene, healthy living standards
    and good grooming
  • Fostering relations with our project partners and engaging our volunteers
  • (Long term) providing accomodation, to give orphans and street kids access to education, life
    skills and training.

Our values:

  • Doing good for others is the rent we pay for living on earth.
  • We employ an attitude of sevice while taking action to save others, knowing that even the smallest of gestures can have a major and lasting impact on a person's life.
  • We make decisions with our heads and commit to take action with our hearts.
  • We believe every little bit helps, and that even though you may not directly see the results of your work, you know in your heart that you have made a tremendous difference to someone else's life.